
Early years

Growing up in a musical household gave Jamie a strong foundation in rhythm and melody, at a young age music was distilled into his bones, but it wasn’t until the age of 18 that be picked up a bass guitar, moving on to a 6 string classical at the age of 19.

Already being at university studying design, more and more of Jamie’s time was becoming occupied by guitar and music in general, with the advent of youtube, more and more learning resources were becoming available every day. At the age of 24 he decided to formalise that study and uprooted to brighton and attended BIMM, until that point he was entirely self taught. 

Jamie’s time at Bimm was spent studying under some truly excellent musicians both in their own right and by international acclaim, with tutors both resident and visiting such as Guthrie Govan, Steve Smythe (Testament), Damien Morris (Sugar babes, Moby), Terry Lewis (Mammas Gun), Jim WIlliams (Various), Scott Mcgill (independent) , Andy Bray… and many more.

Life Afer Bimm

After Graduating from Bimm Jamie moved back to Yorkshire and has lived there since. He has continued trying to develop and improve his knowledge and skills by taking lessons from Tom Quayle, Levi Clay and others, as well as attending events such as Mattias Eklundhs Freak Guitar Camp in Sweden, He regularly attends various masterclasses and events, always looking to hone his skills. Since his return to Yorkshire Jamie has been teaching in his home town and surrounding areas, working in function bands as a dep, as well as starting / being involved in multiple projects and bands.
Since 2018 Jamie has been doing artwork for Source Audio LLC for their oneseries line of pedals, fusing his interest in music gear and design.