The Secret Jigsaw – Visualisation Techniques For The Modern Guitarist – Full Version – Coming Soon


Have you ever wondered, how many chords do i actually know?


well if not, you probably should ask yourself that question. After all a simple C major triad only contains three notes (C,E,G) but yet that combination of notes can yield far more, than that one chord, directly or by implication. For example, I could find a new voicing by  re ordering those notes or “invert” them, moving the root note lower or higher in the voicing, or I could view those notes as a form of A minor 7 (provided the bassist is playing the root note) C,E,G would = b3, 5,b7 if thinking from an A minor perspective.

But here’s the thing, if you know a few scale shapes, you already know how to create some of these voicings – intuitively, and without relying on theory to find the sounds. That’s not to say theory isn’t an awesome tool but some people just want to know more chords…

if you know a few scales you already probably know thousands, the question is , do you know how to find them, how to organize them?

This lesson pack is designed to show you a different way of viewing the fretboard. This is not a system or a defined strict method, but rather a suggestion, a push, a toolset for you to employ when creating music, improvised or composed.

the exercises contained within are structured to change the way you think about scales, chords and voicings, allowing you to break out of your go to voicings, and your go to scale shape transitions.

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